December’s issue of Hi Fi News mag features Mark Craven’s review of Balanced Audio Technology’s VK-80i all-tube integrated amp. He says “With David Gilmour’s ‘A Boat Lies Waiting’ [Rattle That Lock, Columbia;96kHz/24-bit], the VK-80i almost delivered more delicacy than my ears could process. The piano sounded resonant and natural, while the track’s background ‘seaside’ effects were conveyed with a gossamer touch. The multi-tracked vocal then seemed to just ooze from my speakers, phrases arriving and departing with astonishing fluidity. It’s an attribute that’s quite hard to effectively describe. Musical? Naturalistic? Intimate? Take your pick… “a remarkably insightful listen, with an enviable talent for delicate detail and butter-smooth soundstaging”. Verdict: Outstanding; review HERE; product HERE