An unprecedented collaboration between Fender and MoFi, the Fender PrecisionDeck comes individually numbered and badged. Developed by Fender in the 1950s, the same tricolor sunburst pattern famously found on Precision Bass, Stratocaster, and Telecaster guitars graces PrecisionDeck, each of which is carefully hand-painted by Fender.
- Ready-to-Play with pre-mounted and aligned MasterTracker cartridge
- Swamp ash plinth by Fender optimised for low resonance
- 33-1/3 / 45.0 RPM belt drive turntable
- Custom design and manufactured in the USA
- 10-inch MoFi Ultra Tonearm
- 1.3-inch Delrin® platter
- Isolated 300 RPM AC synchronous motor
- Anti-Vibration feet designed by HRS
- Iconic 3-Color Sunburst Finish by Fender