Writing in surround sound fanzine Home Cinema Choice, Martin Dew confesses his amazement at the quality and scale of sound available from System Audio’s WiSA enabled Silverback SB1 active speakers. He says: “Having auditioned other models in System Audio’s portfolio, I was anticipating a full-blooded and size-defying soundstage, but the SB1 still caught me off guard. I landed on Earth, Wind & Fire’s ‘My Love’ from Raise! (Tidal) and the scale of the presentation seemed both vast for the speakers’ size yet remarkably lucid…The pair enjoys a rich, musical sensibility bonded to an articulate, deep reaching soundstage at odds with their diminutive size. Shunning a top-of-the-range soundbar this year? System Audio’s SB1 package might just be your solution.” Verdict Best Buy, 5 stars

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