Reviewer Tony O’Brien at Stereonet is deeply impressed by Ascendo Immersive Audio’s ‘The 16 SUB’, a prodigious 16-inch 1000W sealed box design. He says it’s “an immensely potent subwoofer with enough tactile punch to dislodge teeth. Capable of digging low and playing loud, it’s not just the more exciting moments that it brings to life with all the weight of Thor’s Hammer. Able to stop and start with pin-point accuracy, its presence can also be felt in more subtle moments, where its precision and warmth add an extra layer of depth and realism to soundtracks…Properly dialled in, my review pair lent a sense of scale and grandeur to the soundtrack that was downright addictive. Ascendo Immersive Audio’s The 16 SUB is one of the most impressive subwoofers I’ve reviewed, regardless of budget.”