Staring out from the cover of Hi Fi Choice’s January 2025 issue is the remarkable SVS Ultra Evolution Nano: “a small speaker with a big heart.” From the latest SVS speaker range, the Nano arrives to wow reviewer David Vivian with its power to entertain. He says: “immediately likeable is the way it melds an invitingly smooth, full and warm presentation with properly incisive detail, crisp timing and top-end air while not making any element dominant. We often talk about ‘balance’ in terms of the prominence given to treble, mids and bass or gradations of tonal temperature and texture. But the ability to combine clarity with cuddly, and not cloud the former with the latter, is arguably more fundamental still and this is one sweet union the SVS absolutely nails…one of the best excuses we’ve encountered for spending £1,000 on a standmount speaker.”