To say Home Cinema Choice ed Mark Craven was impressed by Perlisten’s new R18 sub would be an understatement. Awarding a ‘Best Buy’ badge in the August 24 issue he says: “Perlisten’s subwoofer sounded borderline bonkers at times, delivering film LFE with grin-inducing levels of slam, depth and scale…the R18’s bass sounding big in a way that other subwoofers just don’t. A real ‘home cinema’ subwoofer, Perlisten’s R18s makes use of its 18in driver to put on a startling show of scale…However, alongside its gigantic output it still shows off the benefits of the engineering and technology that elevate its price tag to £5,000. The R18s slams hard and moves fast, while sounding rich and clean too. Audition with confidence!”